Saturday, May 30, 2009

A Typical Saturday

Tomorrow we'll meet with the neurosurgeon to discuss the results of the recent brain MRI, and where we'll go from here. We can either let it ride for another 30 to 45-days, or we can go ahead with treatment right away. We're anxious to hear this doctor's opinion.

Until then it's just forging ahead with life as normal, or as normal as life gets.

Today we hope to do a little visiting in Red Lion. It's been too long, quite frankly, since we've been over. If today wouldn't work out for some reason, then it's going to be soon.

I have to ride the bike today. It's always tough for me to get started with exercise. But once I'm started I'm on my way and I push myself hard.

I hope to do a little Saturday cleaning around the house.

I still have a few piles of newspaper clippings, photos, artwork, and stuff from the past to try to sort into some kind of sensible order.

It's a typical Saturday. That's just the way I like it though. Life can be exciting enough.

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