Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Back to Work

I'm guessing that today will not be the most productive day of the year in America. Everybody is coming off a three-day weekend and will probably be a little slow at getting started today.

Actually, I'm counting on it. I have to have my driver's license photo taken and I'm hoping that the crowd scene at the driver's license center isn't too bad. Typically it's terribly over-crowded and the wait is long and punishingly boring.

I know that the centers in Harrisburg and Lancaster are both always crowded. Last time I was in the Lancaster center there was an Indian or Pakastani man arguing quite loudly about how the identification he had should be accepted. He argued for quite awhile. But they weren't budging.

I'm going to try to sneak over to the driver's license center in Lebanon, in hopes that I'll meet less of a crowd, and less of a wait. We'll see how that goes.

But going to Lebanon also allows me to swing by Golf Road in Myerstown and drop off a couple of window air conditioners. Now that we have central air installed we have five window air conditioners just taking up space in the basement. If they can find good homes I'm more than happy to part with them for free, with no guarantees.

My Mom knows two people who could use a little a/c so I'm going to try to drop off two with her today. She's assured me that there are men lined up to install them for two ladies in town. I'm thrilled just to see them put to good use.

We had our rocking parade through town yesterday. Actually it was a little better than year's past. But it's still not much to write about.

Probably the most exciting aspect of the parade was watching five-year old Rodney up to his usual antics across the street, and all over the block. This kid is BAD.

Rodney had a plastic bag to collect as much thrown candy as possible. Bored before the parade started he pulled the bag over his head until someone finally warned him that this wasn't wise.

He didn't just chase down candy on his side of the street. He ran all over. He ran out in front of fire trucks, bands, anything. Does he have no fear or no brains? I think it's a toss-up, a little of both.

His parents were right there. Mom would try to control him. Once she slapped him. Rodney slapped her back. Dad didn't do much. He just kind of laughed at him.

Suddenly Rodney appeared at the entrance to their apartment with a full gallon of milk. He started drinking right out of the bottle, right there on the sidewalk, spilling it all over himself. Dad grabbed the bottle quick.

This is not a normal kid. There were kids all up and down the block. But there was only one kid acting like Rodney.

After the parade was over I peeked out the front window one more time to see how the crowd was clearing. Suddenly I saw a Harley tooling down the street (a fixture in any Marietta parade) and there was Rodney chasing it at full speed, right down the middle of the street.

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