Friday, May 8, 2009

Rain and Change

I'm going to have to go try to borrow some farm equipment from a local farmer to mow my lawn. Maybe a hay baler would do.

After a week of steady rain my grass is reaching extraordinary heights. It's a small lawn. I only have or need an old style manual lawn mower. This could be interesting.

I'm hoping that further rain holds off until after noon so I can have a go at it this morning.

The new furniture is in place and it has already upset Freckles routine.

We've bought Freckles a few toys over the years. Some have disappeared mysteriously (did he eat them?). Some have been torn apart. Some he doesn't like.

I've always been surprised though with his choice of favorite toy. It's a mouse. But it's a rough mouse. It's tough, very hard, wrapped in rope, and has some decent weight to it.

I tied a shoe string to the mouse's tail and tied it off on the back of a chair so it hung down, almost to the floor, but not quite to the floor.

Freckles loves this thing. He slaps it and gets it swinging. He'll let it smack right into his forehead. He's such a hammer head. He plays with it every day, multiple times a day.

With a new breakfast pub table in place, with new chairs, hanging the mouse back in its usual spot was impossible. I found a place to hang it in the dining room. But Freckles is lost. He had some regular routines that centered around that rough, hard, hanging mouse. He's so confused.

I'm trying to work with him the best I can.

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