The guys arrived at 7:30 a.m. this morning to start installation of central air conditioning in this old house. The work is expected to last throughout the week.
I'm very relieved not to have to worry about installing five window air conditioner units this Spring. Three of them weren't too bad, but two of them were monsters. They sure cooled the place off. But they were monsters, very, very, heavy.
This is something we've been saving up for since we first bought this house. It's a challenging job since this house was built 200-years ago, and added to, and renovated, and added to again, and renovated again. For much of the last 100-years this house was the home to a print shop - the "Times Job Printing House."
The printing tradition of the house just told me that this was meant to be, since most of my career has been in printing, publishing and print design.
This place is funky. There's a little bit of everything going on.
I did wake up at 1:30 a.m. last night, and could not go back to sleep. I don't know why. I think my mine was just overactive. Once I was up, I was up, wide awake.
With the drills and the hammers and the saws, I do not stand much of a chance at a nap today. Maybe I'll go crawl into the back of the car and see if I can steal a power nap. lol
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