Friday, May 29, 2009

We'll Take That

My oncologist called from his cell phone yesterday from an airport. He was flying to Salt Lake City to help a friend who had taken ill.

Barb answered the call. After a brief, "Hello. How is everyone?" the doctor asked to speak to me.

This put both of us into a little panic attack. We both thought if the doctor is calling from an airport the day after my MRI of the brain that this could not be good news.

First the oncologist asked me how I was doing. I thought to myself, well I'm feeling good but is there a reason I shouldn't be? But I said to him that I've been feeling quite well, quite strong all things considered. I told him that I thought I've been doing well lately.

He said "Good."

Then he told me that the results of my MRI were exactly the same as the last MRI. That was good news.

There are three small lesions in the brain (really small) that we wanted to watch for a month, rather than just jump in and treat them. We wanted to see if they would get bigger, and how much bigger. We wanted to see if additional lesions would show up. We wanted to see if by some miracle the lesions might shrink.

They didn't do anything. They are all exactly the same as 45-days ago.

So we were celebrating.

We'll meet with the neurosurgeon on Monday to discuss what we want to do from here.

1 comment:

Matt and Annalie Heinz said...

That's great news... we'll keep on praying. Glad you had a good visit with Muck. It went by really fast.