Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Nature of Things

All my life mosquitoes have had a field-day with me. I never feel them land on me. They absolutely, positively love to dine on me. And I ended up with big, swollen, itchy bumps all over the place, all summer long.

The strange thing was when I was diagnosed with cancer, and started on chemotherapy, I noticed that I never got a mosquito bite again. Not one bite. Never.

This was so odd to me.

I knew people who never got bit by mosquitoes. I knew one gentleman who claimed that if a mosquito would bite him the mosquito would drop and die right there. I've known people like me who get bit all over, all the time.

Body chemistry can be so delicate. A lot of medicine is all about chemistry. It's amazing that just a little pill, of precisely measured components, can affect and alter the body as a whole - or even specific targets.

The chemotherapy I take is just a regular sized capsule that I take with a glass of water once a day. The components in this capsule somehow target cancer concentrations, by seeking out cells that are reproducing at the fastest rates, and it cuts off blood and protein supplies to these cells - thus killing them.


The past few weeks I have noticed something else amazing. The mosquitos are starting to bite me again. I had a huge, swollen, itchy lump on my left thigh last night.

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