Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day Mom

To what I consider to be the "Best" mother in the world. You only find out for yourself until you have your own kids how difficult raising them can be. I give my mother tons of credit how she handled three of us and all of us having different personalities. My brother and sister had always been the outgoing ones and myself, I was the loner and sometimes preferred to be by myself. It didn't matter what she had to deal with in regards her kids, she did the best job anyone could possibly do and still does to this day.

I became somewhat unruly in my late teens and I couldn't be more apologetic for that. My mother is a very forgiving person, because that is how she was raised. My mother and I have a great relationship now and I feel very lucky and blessed in that regard. There are alot of families that don't have that which is unfortunate, but true. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of her and feel blessed that I have her in my life.

I may not write like Jim does, but I think I summed it up pretty well.

Love You Mom,


Jim Albert said...

You write very well. And you summed it up great.

And thanks Susan for all that you've done for me too!

Anonymous said...

My thanks also go to Susan and Barb and that whole family as well. You have enriched life for Jimmy and gave him the will to go on against tremendous odds. Love Alice

Anonymous said...

The relationship that Jim & Barb have as they courageously fight this disease has been an inspiration to our family. We feel blessed that we are able to help in any small way.

Love, Mom