Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Off and Running

We've been putting off a needed hardware store trip. The garbage men have smashed our garbage cans beyond recognition and we need to get some new one's for them to pick on. Not to mention a dozen other this and thats, stuff we need around the house.

It never stops. The excitement of homeownership.

And we're off through more rain this morning, but 55-degree temperatures, which we'll most certainly welcome. Probably going to be a trip of some length because of the odd assortment of things we'll be looking for.

We do sorely need to get our bird feeder back up. Being so close to the river we draw quite an assortment of birds. For three-years now we believe we hear a woodpecker in our backyard, but we've yet to spot the elusive little guy.

We're going to look to add a humming bird feeder as well.

Last summer I was standing out on the back porch, shooting the breeze with the neighbors, and suddenly a hummingbird stopped about a foot away from my face, right in front of me. The hummingbird gave me a lookover for a second and just as quickly it was gone. It was absolutely amazing. I was stunned.

And considering I'm up to running out to take care of these odds and ends is sign enough that my digestive woes have been getting gradually better. The chemo is always around somewhere in the body, reaking havoc in the body, but it never stays in one place too terribly long. I think this has been just another trip in the overall chemo journey. But I better stop before I jinx myself.

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