Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Day Two of Doctors' Week

I can't thank Barb's Dad Bill enough for driving us down to Philly today. We've all been there, the Schuylkill Expressway, it's never fun for us country folk.

I lived in Philadelphia for a few years. If there is an open spot or three along the curb where cars park, it's now an open driving lane. Around here a car on fire makes the nightly news. Down there a car on fire along the expressway or I-95 is a daily event.

We're heading to the University of Pennsylvania, right near Franklin Field and the Palestra, places I've visited many times growing up. There's nothing like a basketball game at the Palestra.

It's overcast. But at least it's not raining. Our appointment is mid-afternoon. So I'm hoping we can manage to miss rush hour. That is if we don't have to wait in the waiting room for three-hours like last visit (What are the chances that could happen twice in a row?).

I went to my local general practice doctor yesterday about the dizziness. He was quite certain that I've got a viral thing in the inner ear and a build-up of fluid there is causing my imbalance. The only other possibility, he said, was that I may have a "rock" in my inner ear. A "rock" he defined as a calcium deposit that broke free and is bouncing around inside my head. Ahem, spare me the jokes. LOL

I did find out that I can take four-times the motion sickness medication I have been taking. And this morning, so far, it does seem improved.

My little test drive to the local doctor yesterday showed me that I am still too dizzy to drive. So in light of that revelation I postponed Wednesday's appointment with the eye doctor until a later date.

The postponement of the eye doctor appointment cuts down on doctors' week. That certainly doesn't upset me.

Again, thanks Bill for getting us down the pike today to see this specialist. And thanks to my Mom for making the trip with us.

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