Tuesday, April 15, 2008

LET'S GO! Ummm, Wait a Second

I'm sitting here with a bowl of M&Ms. That's right a bowl.

We found the biggest, largest, most gigantic bag of M&Ms at the store this morning, bigger than any bag of M&Ms I've ever seen. It was the heaviest thing in our shopping cart. Really, it was.

We got two bags.

And now I'm trying to see how many I can eat before 3 p.m. when the eating has to stop for two-hours in preparation for the next dose of chemotherapy.

I woke up ready to go this morning. I had a pretty big to-do list for the day and wanted to see how many things I could check-off that list.

I jumped into the shower early and off we went.

We were at the butcher shop early. We had the place to ourselves. For some reason I do all the ordering at the butcher shop. Barb says so. There are some things I just do not question. Like, why I'm not allowed in the laundry room. I don't know. And I don't care, it's just the way it is and it works just fine.

So I zip through the orders, supervising the cutting of two smoked pork chops, overseeing the trimming of a few filets, examining a big slice of ham. We get to the whole chicken for a roast and Barb steps up to the counter, firmly points, and says, "We'll take that one."

Barb makes the roaster. (She cooks the heck out of it! mmmmm)

We're back in the F.J. Cruiser and heading off to the grocery store. I'm starting to feel a little fatiqued, a little mentally tired. I wanted to get so much done today. But it's starting to feel like one of those "chemo-fatique" days.

Well, maybe I'll get a second wind, shake it off. It's happened before.

The grocery store is, well, the grocery store. It's like a job we don't like. But we tell each other we're going to enjoy the grocery store like there's no place better in the entire world, and off we go.

The store was empty. Got everything we need. No wait at checkout.

No complaints.

The best scene was simply Barb coming down the aisle with four boxes of frozen fruit bars in her arms.

On the way home I could tell the fatique was not going away. It's more of a mental fatique, than a physical one. And it's absolutely caused by the Nexavar - the chemo.

The eating and weight gain is both continuing well. But maybe I'll still have those chemo-fatique days to deal with.

I unloaded the groceries, covered the counters with stuff, and pulled the F.J. around back. I tried to help put some groceries away. But, Barb was in full-stride. She could tell I was tired. The grocery store has knocked the wind out of me before.

"I don't mind doing this," she said. "Go relax."

The La-Z-Boy made the final decision, as it often does.

I needed a nap.

I had so much on my to-do list though. I really want to get some of this stuff done. I still need to exercise. I need to work on this mailer for the business. I have to continue organizing the basement stuff. It's trash night. We picked up special "yard waste" stickers at the borough office this morning.

I really need to scrape and paint a window for the front of the house. I need to get the plates on the "granny mobile." (We're thinking about her every moment of every day.) And we want to run out to the sign shop in Mt. Joy to talk ideas on a little sign for out front of our shop.

I took a nap.

Now, back to that list . . .

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