Saturday, April 26, 2008

What? Me Worry?

"Don't worry about your health. It will go away."
- George Carlin

A neighbor of ours was working in his yard the other day and he called me over to talk.

"How 'ya doin'?" he asked.

"Oh, I'm still fighting it," I said with a smile.

"How do you do it?" he continued. "I mean, man, I'd be worried to death that this pain is more cancer, that that pain is more cancer. I mean I get a little sore somewhere and I'm a nervous wreck."

Well I'm not without worries. But worries never get me anywhere. Oh they screw up my concentration and maybe twist my stomach around. But nothing ever comes from worry. So I do my best to just shake worry to the side and wake-up and continue every day.

I explained to my neighbor that it's a whacky world and unexpected things happen every day. Us humans like to think that we're in control of everything. But that's, of course, hardly the case.

"There are one-year-olds fighting cancer. There are 19-year-olds getting killed in Iraq. Someone will drive away from home today and never come back. You can't worry about it, just get up and make the most of every day," I told my neighbor.

"Well that's quite a positive outlook," he said, although the expression on his face didn't seem very positive, or very relieved.

He asked me if I was still working. I told him we had started the business again, although under a somewhat limited working schedule. He asked for some more of my business cards and I provided him with a dozen or so.

"I'll drum up some business for you," he said in parting.

The next day a business equipment company from the next town over called to inquire about having a web site built for his business.

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