Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Better Place

I don't know if I know of a better place to be than Marietta this week - temperatures in the high 70s, brilliant and abundant sunshine, the Earth coming alive, the trees flowering, the tulips and hyacinths opening.

Sure, I guess I could be in Paris, or in the Bahamas, or at some exotic locale.

But I'd rather be right here in Marietta, surrounded by what I know. There's no place like home.

And after all, all of my stuff is here.

It's been a week of losses though. Through the brilliant Spring sunshine and the plants coming alive, there has also been some darkness and dispair.

A true matriarch of her family, Barb's "Granny" passed away this week at the wonderful age of 91. She's seen so much, and lived through so much change this past century. She was a fixture of the family and will sorely be missed.

Also, a kidney cancer "warrior" (as he called himself), passed away this week. He was a southern gentleman from Augusta, Georgia, an avid outdoorsman. He inspired many others with cancer, including myself. Cancer patients worldwide will no longer read the inspiration of his daily blogs.

But as I look at these losses this week, amongst the miracles of birth that Spring brings to my backyard of Marietta, I realize there is one place that is a far better place to be.

And "Granny" and my friend the "warrior" have reached that place.

My faith, and their faiths, tell me that they've both reached the greatest place of all. Although I can feel sad for the personal losses this brings to me, I can feel happiness for their ultimate salvation.

We will comfort one another for what we will miss. But we will celebrate what they have gained.

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