Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Have to Stop Meeting Like This

I didn't sleep Sunday night. Barb was restless. I took three elbows to the head. I was awoken once shivering after Barb had pilfered the blankets and rolled herself into a burrito. And I woke up one other time right before Barb was able to completely force me off the bed.

I think it's kind of funny. But it left me as quite the zombie Monday morning.

Barb's family buried their grandmother Monday morning. It was a touching tribute to a strong woman who lived to the magnificant age of 91.

Marian was a fixture of the family whom Barb's family was all very close to. She was the matriarch, and yesterday was not just a celebration of her life and her salvation, but it was a passing of the torch to the next generations.

Although I did not have the opportunity to know Barb's "Granny" as well as they, of course, all did. But, zombie or not, I was going to support Barb - who has done the world for me these past years.

I just hope I didn't put my suit on backwards.

The service honoring Marian was very touching. And it was very musical. I was surprised by the volume and quality of singing throughout the service. There are some incredible voices throughout Barb's family, everyone, really incredible.

In songs I could pick out voices and just kept thinking, "Wow! That's great!"

The only voices I didn't really pick out was Bill, Barb's Dad, and mine. Hmmmm, we might have jobs as the family's "roadies."

We'll miss you Marian! But we celebrate your salvation, your ultimate reward, and we smile with all the fond memories that you've left to fill our heads.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful service it was. Pastor Jim is always amazing. I know you didn't get to know Granny really well but I'm glad you had the chance to know her at all. We're going to miss her very much but that's part of being a self fish human being. There's no where better for her to be then where she is now.
