Thursday, April 24, 2008

Spring to Life

It's great to see the sun rise brightly across Marietta, with everything blooming and springing to life in our backyard.

Well...everything but the grass.

We've cleaned up the yard in every way. When we bought this place, the backyard was a wreck. It was just completely ignored for some number of years.

I think my Mom said, "Ugh. Just plow it all under and start from scratch."

My buddy Painter said, "I'd just chop those trees down and pave the whole thing. Hey, build a go-kart track."

I do think it's good that we do not take all advice.

Sure it would have been great to start over. But we don't have that kind of equipment, energy, time or money.

But we've worked it over into quite the nice little woodland, a shady little oasis with wild grasses, butterfly bushes, lots of perennial flowers, hostas, ferns, English ivy, and now a banana tree . . . that's right a banana tree.

But I can't grow grass.

Since we've moved in the grass has slowly been creeping away from the house.

I'm determined to stop it's progression.

We fertilized the whole lawn area. We spread seed generously and well. We watered the grass seed twice daily and didn't dare lay a foot on it.

And nothing.

It's been just over a week. I was kind of hoping to see some little grass blades by now.

I think I have a "brown" thumb, everything I touch turns brown.

OK. The decision has been made. Barb's in charge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grass takes time to germinate -- don't give up. It will begin to show its green head before too long. After all, look how long it took you. Next you won't be able to keep up with the mowing but that is a blog for another day. I will remind you of that when it happens. Love Ya -- MOM