(The origins of expressions always amaze me. Ducks in a row? I don't have ducks. And what advantage is there to them being in a row?)
A few weeks ago I did a little price sheet/brochure for our daughter Alyssa and her business. It was a good test for me to see if I could get back to the design business. And I believe I am ready, with Barb's help.
Barb and I had previously looked forward to the day when it made sense for Barb to join the business. Now, through the coincidence of my health situation, she will. With Barb on board it will take all of the daily business functions off my desk so I can solely concentrate on designing print collateral, and Web sites, and also my photography. For me, that's a big deal, really the only way that getting back to the business could be possible.
Knowing the official opening of the business is near, I've been handing out some business cards. I realized though, to my horror, that my business cards referenced by Web site, which was no longer posted. So through the past two weeks I've worked to get a previous version of the site posted, with a few updates.
The site is now up at www.albertdesignstudio.com
There are quite a few more updates I have in mind, and hopefully over the course of the next few weeks I'll work through them.
One neat new feature I have added is the ability to e-mail Freckles, our cat. Please, go ahead, try it out.
I'd love to hear what everyone thinks.
I've decided to not bog down the site with too much text that people seem not to read. I've really aimed for just making the site very visual, and very fun. But there are some things I'm just not happy with yet. I'm my own worst critic.
We've already bid on one job. I'm working to find a web programmer to partner with so I can concentrate solely on the design end. And a lot of my former clients have recently contacted me to let me know how anxious they are to see me back and working. I'm very touched by their support.
And in closing . . . I have no idea when Doris Ursu took this recent picture of me. But, as they say, photographs do not lie. Here is a recent pic of me . . .

. . . striking resemblance! (smile)
How cute!!! Yea it sure does look like you now and really brought a smile to my face.
Your web site is great and it should bring in the business. Dad and I are cheering for you -- you plans seem to be well thought out. Love You -- MOM
The picture is pretty close but (-) the fohawk. I just looked at your website and about died when I looked at the "contact us" page. Too bad I am not on there any more:-( That's so funny that you added Freckles. I am curious on how he will respond, lol. Thanks again for doing my price sheet I love it and got a lot of compliments on it! Take care, see you soon!
Hi Jim and Barb
I am still keeping tabs on you!
Congratulations on starting back to work. I checked out your website. It is awesome!
You are one talented guy. Very creative in so many ways. An inspiration to many I am sure.
Hurray! Way to go!!
Love from your MI friends
Jerry and JoAnn
PS Your hair has grown since we last saw you! I love it!!
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