Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Gifts

Of course the greatest gift of Easter is our risen Lord. The greatest gift of all.

This Easter another great gift for us is having so much of both of our families come together in Marietta to enjoy this holiday together. We're really looking forward to it.

I wrestled the 20-pound ham into the roasting pan at 5 a.m. this morning. As soon as I opened the packaging and begun trimming away the netting, Freckles scrambled to my side to see what this incredible aroma was (and if anything might fall onto the floor).

I looked down at Freckles and laughed, his face looked like he was drooling. Of course, Freckles will not get any ham. Not the kind of food that's good for a cat or a dog.

After a little over an hour the house is already being filled with the smell of Groff's smoked ham. It will soon be time to add my special brown sugar and Dr. Pepper glaze. That's right, Dr. Pepper.

We'll see you all here very soon. Make yourself at home, stay awhile, eat a lot, and we'll celebrate this special day, the cornerstone of our faith.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Celebrating Easter together with Barb's family and our family was wonderful. I hope we can enjoy many more together. We had a great time and that ham was certainly the best ever. In fact, all the food was really great. Your prayer was especially meaningful and made my eyes well up. Tears of gratitude for Easter and its meaning with our family. It was fun watching the young ones enjoy themselves. Noelle was so good -- she came home and is now sacked out beside dad on the sofa. Thank you again for such a very extra special Easter. Love MOM