Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Rumble in the Jungle

I had a rough day yesterday. The tummy revolted like never before.

My CT scan was yesterday morning at 8:15 at the Lancaster General Hospital Health Campus. I like to get these appointments out of the way early in the day so I can have the rest of the day free. Also I'm not allowed to eat for four hours before the scan, so an early time is a little easier on me.

But this early time meant that I had to start drinking the CT prep liquid at 6 a.m. in the morning. The CT prep liquid (berry flavored) is a chalky, milky, thick, gooey, disgusting drink. It has to be drank slowly over the two-hour period leading up to the scan. I think it's about 24-ounces total.

I'm kind of used to the stuff, if that's possible, and I downed it without a problem. The scan went off without a hitch. I know the drill by know for sure, unfortunately. An IV was hooked up, yet another needle stick, and they filled me with contrast dye for the scan.

Afterwords we scampered towards home in the FJ Cruiser. I was starving so I braved two sausage and cheese croissants from Burger King, no egg please. I inhaled the two sandwiches before we made it home.

And that's when it hit.

Now I suspected that Burger King was probably not the best decision. But looking back today I really think the thing that upset my tummy the most was the CT prep drink.

I sat down to rest for a few moments and suddenly my stomach and digestive track started going wild. It was rumbling, moving and thrusting about. It was angry. I had took the Immodium and Paregoric liquid before we left, but determined that maybe I should hit this with a second dose.

It didn't do much.

I'm dedicated to continuing to try to put weight on, and the deli did have it's famous chicken croquettes with mashed potatoes and gravy for lunch. So I ate. Best I could. I finished one croquette and all the mashed potatoes. You can have the corn. It's from a can and reminds me too much of the high school cafeteria.

Things continued to get worse. My stomach was cramping, then going through spasms. It was really rough.

The rest of the day I relaxed, stayed still, took a brief nap, and tried my best to settle things down. Reluctantly we cancelled dinner. I was really looking forward to it also, I make a mean Chicken Alfredo.

This morning things seem "normal." I feel like I got into a fight with a wild boar. But today seems like I'm off to a much better start. It's amazing to me how the upset tummy can just knock the wind out of you.

We'll call to see if we can collect scan results later this morning. I would expect to hear something back either by day's end, or sometime tomorrow.

And tomorrow takes me to the dentist office, just for a routine cleaning. I hate going to the dentist, but love leaving with nice clean teeth.

And for today . . . just keep voting for my tummy to settle down, no more rumble in the jungle.

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