Thursday, March 27, 2008

All Out Warfare

The bombs are falling across the field of battle as the black smoke thickens the skies, and the rumble of battle shakes the ground beneath.

The digestive track decided to go into full revolt last evening - thanks to the chemo no doubt. It had been building up for a couple of days and the battle ensued last evening.

You never know what you're going to wake-up to while taking chemo. Last week it was fatique. I had to take a couple of afternoon naps last week. This week there's no fatique, it's the digestive track. My stomach is just rumbling, "Just try to eat something. I dare 'ya."

This morning I'm licking my wounds, taking my medicine, and slowly trying to eat a little banana bread, just to see what the digestive track is going to do with it.

I'm still not sure where the battleground will open up today. If I'm lucky, the battles inside will quiet for a day. We'll see. It does happen occasionally. But most days there is a fight going on with the variety of side effects, somewhere in the body.

Take cover, it's still unclear where the body is going today.

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