Friday, March 7, 2008

Philosophy and Approach

"Is it ok to yell movie in a crowded firehouse?"
- Steve Martin

I've always been a fairly philosophical guy. I've never shyed away from addressing the big questions, like "Why are we here?"

And I've always been willing to question everything. I am the one who will stand up and say, "The emperor isn't wearing any clothes."

But I do think that there are many things in life that we're just not meant to understand. And I'm OK with that.

Even though I will challenge and question everything, there are some things I'm willing to just accept as things we're not supposed to understand.

It almost seems inhuman to not pursue answers to the big questions in life. It is, afterall, part of our innate nature to be curious, to want to know.

For instance, why are we here?

Through the entire history of human kind we've tried to answer that question. And today we still try. It tears at us. We just want to know so bad.

But I figure if we were meant to know, we would.

I put the big unanswerable questions in the hands of faith, part of God's plan. Some may say that God's plan may include our continuous pursuit of the answers to the big questions. I'm happy to turn it over to faith, and to God. I simply believe that there are things we are not supposed to know.

There can be a lot of anxiety and fear that surrounds death. It's human. And certainly I feel those emotions with my cancer. The oncologist has given me an anxiety drug called Lorazepam to deal with the occasional stress. And I have taken it, especially around scan time it seems.

But throughout my days the best cure for anxieties, again and again, is simply faith. I put my faith in God. I use the life of Jesus as an example to live by. And I truly believe that I am in God's hands, and when he calls me I will go.

Much like the life of Jesus, our lives too are filled with hardship, suffering and pain. We all have our crosses to bear.

So in our challenging times, in times of sadness, suffering, in times of pain, turn to your faith for solice, for peace, have faith that the answers to the big questions we so aggressively pursue is in his trusted hands.

It works for me.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your continued blessing to our family. You have helped me tremendously today.

The other mother

Anonymous said...

Your faith will, indeed, make you whole. You have made my day. Love Ya MOM