Monday, March 3, 2008

Chemo and It's Surprises

Yesterday started as a normal Sunday. I woke up at 5 a.m., took the Nexavar, and let it get into my system for a good hour.

Then I followed that up with the other morning meds that I take, all are meant to offset the side-effects of the chemo. I spread the meds out in about 15 minute increments, rather than just throwing them all into the stomach at one time.

Come 8 a.m. I was ready for breakfast. I eagerly ate two good sized slices of banana bread and then followed that with a banana.

I sat down for a moment and suddenly I was overcome by unbelievable, extreme fatique. It was barely 9 a.m. and my body and mind wanted to go right back to bed and sleep.

I've run out of steam in the afternoon before. But even that has gotten a lot better. It's really rare these days that I take a nap during the day at all.

So I rationalized if I got up and got busy with something I could fight off the fatique. I hung two clocks that Barb bought for us. I did a little of this, and a little of that, nothing big. But the fatique was not going away.

By 11 a.m. I told Barb that I had to give in and go take a nap. I was incredibly exhausted.

So I slept, restlessly. Actually I fell asleep and started having a dream that I couldn't go to sleep. Now what would Freud say about that one?

I woke up around 1 p.m. and after 30 minutes of stretching the legs and rubbing the sleepy from the eyes I was ok. I felt kind of "blah" the rest of the day but my energy levels had returned to normal.

I really can't attribute my fatigue to anything but the chemo. It seems that you never really know what's in store for any given day.

I'm still analyzing today to see what good old Nexavar may have in store for me. It sure makes it tough to plan out your schedule.

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