Saturday, March 29, 2008

A Little Better

Cancer, and cancer treatment, has a way of narrowing your priorities down to the simplest things - eating, sleeping, exercise. In general you find yourself concentrating and working on just keeping the body functioning as best as possible.

Other things beyond that sometimes just don't seem to matter.

I've blogged this week about my very upset digestive system. It's been bad enough that it has become my priority for the week. Trying to manage the diet and the drugs to bring everything back to calm.

Today, well, it's a little better.

At least last night I did not wake up in the middle of the night to a volcanic eruption, as I had the two nights before. That was one major accomplishment I was really striving for.

And this morning things are better, not perfect by any means, but better. My mid-section and lower back are both just sore from a week of the digestive system in complete revolt. The tummy is still growling. But it's not quite as bad. And I'm trying to quiet it with the medications.

Hopefully another day or two and everything will level out again. And then I can write about something besides my tummy for a change!

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