Monday, December 14, 2009

Early Gifter

Yes. I do have a problem. Admitting the problem is the first fence to climb towards being able to correct it.

I am an early gifter.

I can't help it. It brings me joy. I love giving. Getting? Well there really is no comparison, I'd rather give than get - anyday.

I'd make a terrible rich person. I find no joy in just hording money. I just don't. I feel responsible to ensure that myself and my loved ones are taken care of. But giving is just always more rewarding to me.

Last year beginning in the first week of December, I started handing out presents. Oh, I saved some for Christmas morning. But I was "early gifting" with a pretty robust nature.

One thing I heard a lot was "Ooooo, that's so nice. Thank you. NOW STOP GIVING EVERYTHING OUT EARLY!"

So I joined an online support group for early gifters (not really :)

I have been doing much better so far this year I believe. So far I've only given our three presents. Hmmmm. That might not be better. But I'm trying!

The gift that told me that I'm doing the right thing was something that even surprised me. When I see peoples' faces when they see this gift it just sums up all the reasons why I'd rather give than get.

As soon as it came to the door, I knew I needed to give this to Barb right away. I plopped on my recliner with this HUGE thing on my lap - smiling from ear to ear. I waited for her to come back down the steps and when she saw what I had on my lap her chin dropped to the floor and she broke out in one of those uncontrollable "giggle smiles."

It was the biggest box of chocolate either of us had ever seen! It was 2.8-pounds worth in a GIGANTIC box. I took a couple pictures with it sitting on Barb's lap. I'll try to post one tomorrow.

So far, everyone has agreed, Barb's Mom, Alyssa, Charlie, it is the biggest box of chocolate anyone has seen.

Each time someone has dropped by they've been shocked by its massiveness. We think there are at least three layers of assorted chocolates, but there may be more.

I've enjoyed the expression on every face that has seen it for the first time. It's so much more rewarding to give than to get.

Wait, wait, wait, I'm starting to feel like giving out another early gift. OK Jim, take a deep breath, easy now big fellow...

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