Friday, March 20, 2009


I heard from my Mom late yesterday and she gave me an update on my Dad's condition.

He is still in intensive care at the Hershey Medical Center. But, according to my Mom, he is progressing, doing better, and starting to heal.

Apparently my Dad lost his balance walking between the car and the garage and fell directly onto a stone wall in the landscaping in front of their house.

The latest news I received on injuries was seven fractured ribs, a lacerated liver, and fluid in the lungs. The ribs, of course, will take six- to eight-weeks to heal. If you've ever had broken ribs (I have) they're painful, very painful, with every breath you take. The lacerated liver likely caused internal bleeding and the doctors I imagine had to work to control clotting, and resolution of clotting. They'll watch the lungs to ensure they dry out and work to prevent any chance of pnuemonia appearing.

Barb and I are going to head towards the medical center today to visit, and try to comfort and assure my Dad a little.

My Dad is rather confused about all of this. He's not exactly sure how he got there or what happened or why he can't go home. I hope I can help him to understand the here and now, and what's in store for the next couple months - lots of rest and relaxation. And whether he thinks it's cool or not, he's going to have to accept the reality of using a cane or a walker.

But first we'll get him back on his feet, and then scold him about that.


jane putnam said...

Hi, We're thinking about your Dad and Mom...they're in our prayers. The snow has disappeared up here, however, it's still quite chilly. Last week we 'gently persuaded' (ok, forced) some forsythia indoors...WE CRAVE SPRING! Enjoy the weekend. Be well, Peter and Jane

Jim Albert said...

Thanks for the well wishes guys. I imagine you do crave Spring even more than we do. We've had it pretty easy this year, very cold but not very much snow.