Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fresh Air

It is supposed to reach 67-degrees today, according to Joe Calhoun on channel eight news.

You better believe I'm getting outside. I'm getting dirty.

I'll be raking the yard, cleaning the yard, digging in the yard, brooming the yard, filling the bird feeder, trying to start the leaf blower, replanting a few plants, clearing last year's growth, removing stones and ill-placed bricks, and in general anything I feel up to.

But I'll be dirty. You can count on that.

And I'll enjoy it. There's just something about getting in tune with the earth around us.

Now don't misunderstand. I do understand that this is just an early spot of Spring and we could certainly still see frosts, and possibly even the white, fluffy, wet, cold stuff.

I'll be just trying to "set the table" so to speak, and get the yard cleaned up and ready to sprout.

I wish I could say that I have a green thumb. But I don't. It seems brownish at best.

We have a lot of trees, a lot of moss, it's like a mini-forest out back. I'm, half-jokingly, threatening to just quit trying to grow a grassy area at all and just turning the whole back into "the woods." We'll see.

When I went to college I had a roomie who always used to say, "Why don't we just become farmers? Get an apple orchard or something? Marry a nice lady?"

"Sounds pretty good to me," I would reply.

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