Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Certain Smile

Barb and I went back to the Hershey Medical Center yesterday to visit my father. He was starting to rally back to health, but he does have a long road to recovery.

The good news was that the breathing tube had been removed earlier that morning, and he was breathing on his own. He does have a lot of "stuff" in his lungs and the medical staff is taking steps to help him cough it up and dry it out.

My Dad could talk yesterday, with the breathing tube now out, but he could only talk in small short whispers. He still is somewhat short on breath, and has to build up his lung capacity once again. That is something else, of course, the medical staff is working on.

He is also very worn out and exhausted and quite frankly needs weeks of rest. With the broken ribs alone, my Dad needs many weeks of rest to heal properly and well. And of course being a good, stubborn, Pennsylvania Dutchman, he's not being real patient about his recovery. The nursing staff had to restrain his arms so he would stop taking the oxygen out of his nose.

I think he's starting to accept the realities of his situation. I hope so. I've tried to communicate to him, with a big smile, what a mess he's got himself into, and how he'll now have to have patience. Last time I saw him he just kept saying that he wanted to go home. Yesterday he seemed to have more acceptance of the realities he faces. Some of his sense of humor was returning too, through all the discomfort and pain.

Yesterday afternoon he was due to be moved out of an intensive care unit to a "step down" unit. The medical team will try to gradually move him to less and less intensive care as they build his strength stronger and stronger.

It was great to see my Uncle Bob, who came up from Florida to help, and support my Dad. I can't thank Bobby enough for doing that. I know it meant a lot to my Dad to have him near. I know it meant a lot to our whole family. You're the best Bob. You're true family, and a true friend. Thank you.

The best sign of all from my Dad came just before Barb and I left. I leaned over and put my hand on his shoulder and grabbed his other hand with mine. Barb gave him a kiss on the top of the head. My Dad responded with big smiles for both of us. That was the best sign of all.

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