Monday, March 9, 2009

Productive and Restful

We were blessed with warm weather, in the 60s, this weekend. It wasn't very sunny. There were plenty of clouds around. But after a couple of very cold months, we'll take it.

I think everyone who owns a motorcycle was out riding their motorcycle on Saturday. There were plenty of classic cars and hot rods out tooling about too.

I opened the backdoor up for Freckles on Saturday and he wisely took advantage and parked himself their for a good part of the day, watching the birds and the squirrels.

We ran around a little bit, and got out into the fresh air. But I spent a few hours cleaning the master bathroom. I'm a big believer in always doing humbling work. I'm not the type who likes to be waited upon. I could never have a maid. It wouldn't suit me, wouldn't sit well with me. What makes me more significant than anyone else? I'm certainly not beyond scrubbing my own toilets.

As much as I got done on Saturday, Sunday was a completely relaxing day, as it should be. The Albert and McFadden families got together at my sister and my brother-in-laws' house to celebrate Heather's third birthday.

Heather was all fired up from the many visitors and the attention. She was very well behaved and filled with smiles all day. She got a polka dot raincoat with matching boots and an umbrella and she couldn't wait to put them all on.

It was good to see everyone. We don't get enough opportunities in this busy world to all get together as families all at once.

I'm looking forward to getting into a productive Monday. I've got a lot of balls I'm juggling in the air right now. I have to be smart about it though. I'm less than a week off radiation treatments, and it's kind of like walking around with a mild-concussion at times.

The painting project continues. We're making good progress all things considered. Barb has been a tremendous help and we're making quite a team. The completion of the front room is in site.

There's always cleaning to do, and if I can knock off a room everyday I'm thrilled. The recent snow drug a lot of wet dirt through the house.

With a couple of plants starting to sprout in the backyard it's time to start our Spring cleaning in the backyard. It's a total mess right now, and we've got a lot of work to do out back.

I also want to get back to business with the business. The ADS Web site needs some serious updating, possibly even needs to be reinvented. I'd like to get some more marketing going again too. Although, with the current state of the economy things are very, very, very slow.

I've got gumbo on the menu for tonight, shrimp and andouille sausage gumbo. I've been trying for years to perfect my gumbo, and I haven't quite perfected it yet. But I'm very confident going into this evenings gumbo. I've got my gameplan set. This is going to be the best yet, and of course I'm not going to forget the okra.

We're also prepping

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