Wednesday, February 11, 2009

This, That, and the Other Thing

I approached the idea of painting the front room with great foreboding. It was one of the higher things on the list of things to procrastinate about.

It's not the painting I mind. It's scraping off the wallpaper and prepping the walls first.

Well, it's Barb to the rescue once again. I don't know her secret. But she's tearing down that wallpaper in speeds I didn't think were possible. I mean this stuff is really glued on there. She's on a mission. You can see it in her eyes.

I should be starting to prime the wall by tomorrow.

The temperature is expected to reach near 60-degrees today. I'd really like to thank our friends in the South for pushing that front up here. It could actually be a car wash day today. I certainly have to wash all of that road salt off the FJ Cruiser. But the expected rain with wind gusts over 50 mph tonight just might be the "automatic" car wash I use instead.

Barb and I have decided that we may need to schedule a corporate retreat to the Hotel Hershey soon, while we await our bailout for graphic design firms.

I keep feeling better with each passing week. My steroid dose has been cut considerably and I think it's only a matter of a week or two before I can get off of it completely.

Hopefully that will get my sleeping patterns back in order. But, who knows, the steroid may be masking some of the effects of the chemo. The chemo side-effects will likely show their true colors after the steroid is out of my system.

It's a funky adventure.

I was pretty darn lethargic through January as I recovered from the radiation treatments. But I'm hitting the exercises again, getting stiff and sore. Plus painting and carrying 12-foot ladders around always helps to find a few muscles to work out that I forgot I had.

I'm working on some creative art projects as well. I just finished a photo collage of six textural and color elements around our house to attempt to caputure the feel of this old house. I think it turned out pretty decent. It's framed and on the wall.

Now I'm looking to use some recycled materials as a background to some of my personality illustrations, drawn in ink, colorized on the computer, and cut out of large prints. This one is still hatching...

I'm never bored.

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