Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Crazy Cat

Usually Freckles is pretty good about not bothering us when we're sleeping.

Occasionally Freckles will stick his head in the room in the early morning hours and give a "Meow," or two. That's pretty rare though. Generally that means, "Hey! Aren't you guys awake yet? I am. And I could use some fresh food and water."

If we ignore it. He goes away.

Even more rare is when Freckles consistently meows and then jumps up into the bed with us.

He'll gladly join me up on the bed for an afternoon nap. But he doesn't like being in the bed when both of us are in there. Barb twists and turns and flips and flops too much. Freckles is very wary of that.

This morning around 4 a.m. Freckles started with the meowing and then followed that up by jumping right up into the bed, still meowing.

On the very rare occasions when this happens it almost always means that something is wrong. Almost every time it means that Freckles has vomited somewhere and he's trying to warn us about it so we don't step in it, and so we'll hopefully clean it up as soon as possible because he doesn't want it around either.

I was already awake and Barb looked pretty darn content. So I groaned and got up and started the trek downstairs in search of Freckles puke.

I looked everywhere. Surprisingly there was no vomit. There was also no Freckles.

He had kicked me out of bed and stayed in bed with Barb himself!

What a little stinker. That was a new one.

I guess my strange sleeping habits lately have changed Freckles sleeping habits too. It was afterall around 4 a.m. and he's become used to me waking up around 2 a.m. lately.

I know when I was first waking up in the middle of the night I'd sneak downstairs and pass Freckles slumbering on the small rug at the landing on the top of the stairs. He'd look up at me through sleepy eyes like he was saying "What are you doing up at this hour?"

Now he's come to expect me at 2 a.m.


I'm sure Barb is going to be happy for me to get off this steroid and get back to normal sleeping. If it's not Freckles waking her up in the middle of the night - it's me.

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