Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hope in a Hopeless World

Barb and I read in a local online newspaper yesterday that someone we had both worked with had passed away in a car accident. It was yet another reminder of how fragile life is.

Life is a balance of joy and sorrow. There will be things that make us grin from ear to ear, that warm our hearts, that make us feel absolutely wonderful. And there will be things that make us feel like we have a gigantic, empty pit in our stomachs.

I've always felt that the life of Jesus was meant to give us an example of how life would be. Through good times and bad times, I look to the examples of His life to understand my own. Jesus certainly experienced joys and sorrows. Jesus certainly experienced strength and suffering.

I was fortunate to be raised not just by a wonderful mother and father, but by an entire church congregation. From a very early age I was exposed to the lessons of the scriptures.

I'm known as someone who analyzes everything. I challenge everything and accept nothing at face value. But faith in God and the promises of the Bible were never difficult ideals for me to accept.

Quite frankly, all I had to do was look around. There are a lot of very intelligent people who each, on their own, analyzed, scrutinized, questioned the meanings of life and all ended up drawing the same conclusions. How could so many people, over so many decades, and centuries, possibly be wrong?

It does not bother me that there are things that we are not meant to fully understand. I accept that because I have faith.

It does not bother me that I will experience suffering and sadness. I accept that because I have faith.

I also realize that I should embrace all the joy and rewards of life, of each day, a beautiful sunrise, the laugh of a two-year old, the beauty of nature around us, the kindess of a stranger.

Life can be challenging. Life can be tough. But as long as your faith is strong there is always hope. And with hope all the joys of life will expose themselves to you also so that you may enjoy the beauty of our journeys.

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