Friday, February 6, 2009


So far, our President's promise for "Change" has been a lot more of the same.

But whether or not the new administration can actually effect positive change, change is coming. Greater separation of classes, record setting unemployment rates, unprecedented debt, people losing their homes - I'd say change is already here.

As soon as I heard that President Obama had appointed former Senator Tom Daschle to head the Department of Health and Human Services I knew we were not heading down the right road, and not effecting change.

Daschle is a long-time Washington insider. He was a Senator from South Dakota for 26-years. That's not change. That's more of the same.

And low and behold, Daschle's taxes are messed up and it turns out that he's taking $2 million a year from the drug company's lobbyists. This was the man who was supposed to lead the fix of our health system in this country. And he's on the take.

More of the same.

Many people may think that I'm a Democrat because of my support of Obama during the election. I am not. I am a registered independent.

I think party politics has got to go. I think political parties have to go. It doesn't matter if an idea is a Republican idea or a Democratic idea, it matters only if it's a good idea that serves the constituency that every representative is supposed to be representing.

Who does your state and federal congressman represent? You?

If you said "Yes," you're living in dreamland. They represent their circle of cronies who line their pockets with goodies and it has gotten way out of hand.

Every decision that is made, EVERY SINGLE DECISION, should be made in the best interest of the middle-class, the masses, all of us. It's not happening that way.

This is all very, very dangerous. And I am getting more and more frightened.

Ironically, the folks that have stood up for capitalism and warned of the evils of socialism are the ones driving us to that historical reality through years and years of opulence and greed.

Sharp division of classes and the rich and greedy abusing their powers is what led to revolt and the initiation of communism in Russia. How far off are we from revolt? How long will it be until the masses in America are hungry enough, cold enough, maltreated to the point of complete revolt and collapse?

I'm worried.

We went out to eat last night to celebrate Barb's birthday. We went to the Catacomb's in Mt. Joy. The Catacombs is a fine dining restaurant that is uniquely located 45-feet underground in the very old wine cellars of a local historic hotel.

The historic hotel, known as Bube's Brewery, also is the home of two other restaurant/bars, which are known as the Bottling Works and Alois's. I've been visiting this place for more than two-decades and it has changed little through the years. One thing that hasn't changed is it's popularity. The place has always fared well.

Last night, besides Barb, I, Alyssa and Charlie there was one couple in the entire rest of the building - six customers. There was twice as many staff on duty last evening than there was customers.

I have never seen it like this. I was shocked, amazed, and quite frankly it scared me.

Anytime I've ever visited Bube's Brewery through the past two decades it's always been full - always.

Where are we going?

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