Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Here We Go

A big welcome to 2008, and Happy New Year wishes to everyone out there. It should only take me until about March to remember to write 2008 on my checks.

First, a quick update from my last blog. We did brave the butcher and the grocery store on Monday morning. It was even crazier than I predicted. I forgot all the kids were still out of school. So not only was the store packed to the rafters, but every Mom also was dragging her 2.5 kids along.

I kept my cool pretty well though. I said "Excuse me" an awful lot to all the folks who like to shut aisles down with their carts. And I almost was run down by a couple of aggressive cart drivers. But all in all it wasn't too bad.

The closest parking spot was a few miles away. So I did get some darn good exercise pushing the full cart to the car.

I'll be anxious to getting back to our regular Monday morning store trips when it is just us and a couple of retirees.

Yesterday we filled the house with the smell of pork and sauerkraut. It was really good. It's rare that I go back for seconds these days, but yesterday I did. I ate more than I have in one sitting in quite a long time. Barb makes the best mashed potatoes I have ever tasted. And after words, I even ate a bowl of ice cream - moose tracks.

Unfortunately about 2 hours after finishing my digestive system revolted and I quickly lost everything I had gained. I knew I was pushing myself. I usually stick with just healthy portions, not over-doing it. But, now and again, there's only one way to find out where my boundaries are, and it's good to know that sort of thing. I just don't know whether it was due to over-eating, the ice cream, or possibly both.

Regardless, celebrating here at home allows me to push the mad borders a bit. If we would have gone to one of the parents' homes yesterday I would have only picked, because that is playing it safe.

The last couple months have been fun. But with the New Year comes a very busy January for me. I have a CT scan of the pelvis, abdomen and chest this month, and also an MRI of the brain. We'll then, of course, meet with my oncologist, and my primary physician too.

In January I will need to pick-up my fight with my insurance company again. They made a mistake, and I'm just asking them to make it right. If they don't make their mistake right then I could be facing $5,000 a month in charges for my chemo drug come March. We'll see. I'm not the kind of guy who wants to take this to the public, be it the courts or the media. But if they keep trying to push me around like the neighborhood bully, who knows how far this will go.

In the meantime I have to start looking for alternatives in January too. I need to speak with a couple of insurance counselors to see just what is available to a cancer patient, because who can afford $5,000 a month for one drug? Nobody I know.

So it will be a very busy, active January. Hopefully it's a dry January and we don't end up with too much ice and snow to deal with.

December was relaxing and a whole lot of fun. But we've got a busy start to the New Year's get back to work!


Anonymous said...

is medicaid an option for you? would they be forced to pick up the tab for medications. is there a way for you to check on this/

Jim Albert said...

I have to wait for 24-months from the time I became eligible for disability, which was September. I don't really understand why there's such a long waiting period.

I just got off the phone with a counselor in a state office, who was quite helpful. But she told me that my only options were through private assistance programs. There is a good chance that Bayer will continue to offer me the drugs I need. But there's no assurance. It's kind of nerve wracking.