Friday, January 18, 2008

Reality Says Hello

No matter how you approach it, visits to the doctor tend to bring some realities to the forefront that you may work hard to forget.

You know, things like exercise more, eat less, lower your stress, the doctor is good at reminding you of the stark realities of your fragile human body.

As a cancer patient I do think about my cancer everyday. But I don't get caught up in it. I do believe that when it is any of our times, then it is our time, and there's little we can do about it. I've always said, "When God calls, I'll go." And that reality applies to us all, cancer or not.

I like to think that I am living with cancer, not dying from cancer.

And without the doctor it's easy to go out and live. Sure there are the many side effects of the drugs, waiting to remind me of my condition around every corner. But you learn to live with those kind of things, and keep living each day, accomplishing, completing, doing, getting things done.

And although my test results were great, the doctor yesterday still was good at reminding me of the realities of my cancer, of this disease. It's his job.

And I soaked it in, and I studied his words and his mannerisms, and I considered all of my options from here, completely immersing myself in it.

And now it's time to go back to living.

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