Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Combat Zone

What does it feel like to have cancer? Well it is different for everyone. For me it's kind of like feeling a little under the weather every day.

The strange thing is, for me, everyday feels like there is a battle going on between the cancer and the chemotherapy drug. And everyday the feeling seems to show up in a different part of the body.

I don't know that that is true, and I have a feeling my doctor would disagree with the theory. But I have no other explanation than my body being a daily combat zone between the cancer and the chemo.

I can wake up one day and be sore here, or be sore there, or there, or here, or there. Some of it is simply muscle soreness from my ongoing exercising. Some of it is simply mysterious.

Every now and then there is what seems like a break in the ongoing battle and suddenly I feel almost like normal and quite energetic. Monday was one of those days.

Then other days it seems like the battle rages inside me and I'm completely drained of energy, just want to sleep, and can get little accomplished. Tuesday was one of those days.

Today? I'm not sure yet. The sun is only rising over the battleground.

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