Thursday, January 31, 2008

Crazy Kooky Cancer

Cancer is a constant chase. Everyday is different. It's hard to plan a lot of things. You kind of have to wake-up each day, evaluate the day's situation and go from there.

Yesterday was unique. I ate everything in sight.

Oh, I've been eating well, three times a day, healthy stuff at healthy portions. But my weight keeps creeping downward, so my healthy portions must not be healthy enough.

Typically I've tried to eliminate drugs from my daily schedule of pharmaceuticals whenever possible. Months ago the oncologist offered me Megistrol to help with appetite. I took it. It seemed to jump start my appetite. And once I was happy with my eating again I came off the Megistrol.

After seeing my family doctor on Monday I left determined, once again, to try my best to put on pounds. The doctor had me lie on my back to listen to my stomach when he suddenly exclaimed, "Well that's unique, you're so skinny I can see your aorta pulsing at the top of your stomach."

So I decided to go back on the Megistrol starting Tuesday. Tuesday evening I made my Mom's famous chicken ala king, served myself up a nice, large portion and completely cleaned my plate. That plate was so clean we could have just put it back in the cupboard.

Yesterday was even more impressive. I ate more throughout the day yesterday then I've eaten in one day in months. Typically my stomach maxes out fast and gets full and sore feeling. Not yesterday, I just didn't feel like I could get enough food in me.

For breakfast I had two big hunks of cranberry breakfast bed, a slice of cantalope and then I polished off the chicken ala king from the night before, served over a toasted english muffin.

For lunch I bought a serving of shepherd's pie at the deli across the street and ate it all.

In the afternoon I polished off a bowl of goldfish crackers.

That night we had pork barbeque sandwiches on HUGE kaiser rolls, couple with tater tots and I left nothing behind once again.

And to date my digestive system seems content with it all. A small miracle for me.

Now typically the vegetables in the chicken ala king would run right through me without stopping to digest for a moment. The corn in the shepherd's pie would do the same. The ground beef in the shepherd's pie typically would start a major revolt. I can get away with a couple goldfish crackers, but a whole bowl? That would be like a punch in the tummy. And tater tots? Well I'd typically pick at one or two to be polite. But I ate them all. Unheard of.

I'm going to keep taking the Megistrol, every morning. And I'm going to try to repeat yesterday's feat again today. Because, 'ya know, I don't think you're supposed to see your aorta beat in the top of your stomach with the naked eye.

But you never know, all you can do is get up each day, evaluate and do your best.

It's crazy, kooky, cancer.

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