Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Busy, Busy

I think one of the best ways to fight the anxiety of scans and tests is to just stay busy. And we've been busy here.

The carpet is completely in place in the former photo studio that is our new office. I need to find time to run out and get trim yet and cut and fit it into place. I've also got a lead on a custom blind maker for the large skylight, and that will have to be ordered and installed. Then we can start moving everything into place and get the computer network back up.

In the meantime Barb's birthday present is here. The new Bowflex is spread across four large boxes now. That will end up in an upstairs spare bedroom which is being turned into our exercise room. Barb is anxious to turn her biceps from twice as big as mine, to ten times the size of mine. I'm looking forward to the exercise room myself. The exercise is ever more important in my continued fight.

Then the old office has to be converted into the library, sitting area, overstuffed men's club cigar smoking lounge kind of thing.

We're creating a photo gallery in the hallway upstairs, have a couple personal art projects going, and gallons of paint and paint and paint all over this old house.

But amidst the projects I have to remember to eat (which Barb kindly reminds me to do), and I have to eat within the time limits allowed by the medications.

And to eat we need food in the house. And to get food back in the house it means groceries. So today it's off into the cold to do the butcher and grocery store run.

Tomorrow I'll post a full update after the appointment with the oncologist.

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