Tuesday, June 12, 2007

In Dedication

I have dedicated myself to you,
one of life's decisions I knew I had to do.
In all the things that make up life,
it is wonderful being your wife.

I have always had you in my dreams,
a man such as you, and so it seems.
I live with you each day in my heart,
as I have from the very start.

It may have taken time for us to find one another,
but you have been like no other.
We will live out the rest of ours together,
because I am yours forever and ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Barbara, I was touched by your poem of dedication to Jim. - You are a wonderful example to all who know you both. This is when the
true test of your love becomes real
to both of you & we pray contin-ually for restored health & strength & for encouragement to you
both. Please consider yourselves to
be hugged. - Love You Both, "D