Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Yesterday's Check-Up

Barb and I went into the health center yesterday for my every other week chemo treatment. Before the treatment we met with a nurse practioner. Every two-weeks we meet with either the nurse-practioner or the oncologist. They switch off consultations to free up more time for the oncologist overall.

We learned little overall. The x-ray of the shoulder and shoulder blade from last Friday showed no cancer, no major injuries, and a little arthritis. Being told that there was no cancer present is always good to hear. But I already knew from a recent PET scan (a much better tool for cancer detection) that nothing was going on in that shoulder that was cancer related.

I already knew that I have a little arthritis happening in most of my major joints. I also knew that wasn't the cause of the recent pains I've been feeling.

So at least this x-ray did tell me that this must be something physical that has been ailing me. But it really didn't resolve what is truly the cause, with the exception of the fact that it wasn't something major.

I woke up at midnight again last night. I couldn't believe how well my shoulder felt. There was no pain whatsoever. I went back to sleep around 1:30 a.m. and when I woke back up around five the pain was back.

But I do think it's getting better, day by day. I think I just seriously stretched something out, or upset something in my shoulder or shoulder blade with some of my "stupid yard tricks," like pruning the 100-foot tree.

What can I say? I'm not used to calling somebody to do something I feel I can do myself. I guess I'm going to have to learn to change that thinking a bit. I'm getting older.

But everything went smooth yesterday, from consultation through chemo treatment. The only hitch was Barb forgetting our crossword puzzle book which we always have with us to keep us entertained through chemo.

This bothered Barb enough that she took off and walked down to an adjoining health facility to see if she could find some crossword books to purchase. She came back with a big smile on her face and two crossword books in hand.


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