Thursday, September 10, 2009

Stupid Male Gorilla

I wish I wasn't such a stupid male gorilla. I had to go out and prune trees. I had to.

Well in my own defense, I'm not used to limiting my activities. My body has never been in such a weak state before.

I woke up this morning feeling pretty lousy. It was the worst I've felt in awhile. I even considered going to the emergency room today. To even consider that I must have been feeling pretty lousy, because who would want to go there?

I was in severe pain, my right shoulder blade into my shoulder and down the underside of my arm, into my elbow and along the underside of my forearm. It hurt. I could barely make Barb her morning pot of coffee.

I took some pain pills and set myself up with the heating pad. It helped. It helped enough that I forgot about the emergency room. Although I still know that something is wrong and it needs attention.

Unfortunately my emergency room experiences are not good. I recently read that the average wait time at emergency rooms across America is four-hours. I think that's about right. Typically the emergency rooms draws young, inexperienced doctors as well, since it is such a tough assignment. That's not always the case. But often it is the case.

Right now I have a scheduled appointment with my oncologist on Tuesday, and yesterday we scheduled an appointment with my primary physician - just in case. I don't know what is going on exactly. But I suspect it has something to do with a tendon or ligament since the pain has run down my arm so.

I'm going to be pretty laid up until this is resolved. The pain pills and the heating pad have helped. Inactivity has helped as well. Although I find it hard to believe that I shouldn't do at least something - like simple stretches which I've been trying to do everyday.

Combine all my stupid male gorilla pain, which I brought on myself, with the toughest chemo I've had yet, and well...I'm a little melty right now.

I guess I have to take it a little easy, which I'm not real good at. I'll certainly try to do whatever I can do - yesterday I did make chili and grilled cheese sandwiches. I guess I'll have to stop being a stupid male gorilla - although I would like to have a banana with my breakfast!

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