Saturday, September 5, 2009

A New Low

Once again, I must remind people that I am an Independent. I am not a Republican nor am I a Democrat. I believe in good ideas, not political parties.

Ever since Barack Obama has taken office the Republicans have launched a pathetic and ridiculous campain to frighten the public against everything the President has tried to do. It isn't based on facts. It is based completely on political motivations to help them regain control that they so justly lost.

Now it has reached a new low.

Unfortunately, we as Americans are not very informed about actual events. We get our information from news blurbs on TV followed by a commercial for penis enlargement. People are not reacting to ideas but reacting as if they're just simply voting for their favorite sports team, dedicated to the team despite the cause.

It is amazing to me that people are Obama-hating because he plans on delivering a talk to school-aged youngsters to promote learning and staying in school.

A quote I read on CNN's web site this morning - "As the father of four children, I am absolutely appalled that taxpayer dollars are being used to spread President Obama's socialist ideology."


So you're against students working hard and staying in school? At a time when drop out rates are higher than ever? Socialism? What the heck are you talking about?

I guess I shouldn't be surprised by our own stupidity. But I am. It has reached a new low.

Pennsylvania is the only state in the entire country to not have passed a budget. It's more than two-months over due. Why? Politics of course, partisan-politics. Aren't we all tired of this Republican vs. Democrat thing. Isn't it more important to promote ideals rather than political parties?

With every passing week I just become more and more embarassed to be an American.


Anonymous said...

Sorry I just cannot agree with you. Being raised in the Albert household, I am not sure where you are coming from. This president has done more harm in this country in 9 short months that the Bush administration has done in 8 years. If all he wanted to do was study hard and stay in school that would be fine but the rest of the speech smacks of brainwashing little kids into believing that the government should control everything and that would make everything AOK. Not in my book. We seniors won't be getting pay raises in our social security for 2 years because he has passed legislation that makes it more important to give money to banks, auto companies and immigrants who don't even like us and would do anything to get rid of us. Isn't that what somebody in Germany tried to do in the 1940's and in Russia in the 1950's -- take over the industrial world and the minds of children. At least that was what was in my history book and I should be one who knows -- I spent a lot of time in blackouts and air raid drills while in school. They were not fun and I think you young people of this world better take heed. I think the republicans should get very fiesty and move forward in any way they can to stop this king of kings in any way that we can. Love ya even though we disagree. MOM

Jim Albert said...

What? Huh? How did you hear Obama's speech already? It isn't scheduled until Tuesday. just got a bunch of the hatin' e-mails trying to divide the nation along party lines, trying to spread erroneous fear and propaganda.

You know you have to have your facts in line when you discuss these things with me.

I'm sorry Mom. But thank you for providing me a prime example of what I'm talking about.

The propaganda has gotten so bad that not even a message of "stay in school" is safe to this ridiculous onslaught.

Well maybe your generation is right. We should tell our kids to drop out of school, and sit on the sofa and play video games. We should continue to threaten the world, promising to bomb them off the face of the map. Who cares if anyone likes us, as long as they'll beg at our feet.

We're all brothers and sisters, in every country and in every land. How have we forgotten that? Why do you refuse to work together?

Jim Albert said...

P.S. Love 'ya Mom!