Saturday, September 12, 2009

When It Rains It Pours

My Mom had not felt like herself for the last couple of days. Yesterday she felt poor enough to cancel her weekly hair appointment and drive herself to the Good Samaritan Hospital.

After a cardiogram the doctors concluded that she did have some heart issues. A cardio catherization was planned and done last evening. During the catherization procedure they noticed two valves clogged and decided to open them up right then. The procedure is uninvasive and she went through it all pretty well.

I spoke with her this morning and she was in good spirits and said she felt really well. She was told that she could be released as early as tomorrow.

A big thank you to Karen and Jamie, and Doug and Cristy, for really getting involved yesterday to make sure everything was covered and went smoothly.

The doctor did ask my Mom if she's been going through any unusual stresses lately. She laughed and said, "Well yeah my husband is in a nursing center. My son has cancer. And I've been trying to figure out all the finances."

About the same time my Mom was driving herself to the hospital yesterday I was meeting with a local doctor about my excruciating shoulder pain. He feels that I damaged my rotator cuff. The treatment is lots of rest, pain pills to try to control the rough pain, and simple exercises to stretch the muscles to normal extents again.

My Dad has been doing really well since the doctor prescribed a new drug for him. He's been told at this point that Alice may not be in to see him for a couple of days because she's under the weather.

So we're a little in the weeds. When it rains it sometimes pours. But eventually the sun does come out from behind the clouds again and everything looks much brighter.

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