Sunday, February 3, 2008

Strength and Sunshine

There's nothing better to brighten a February morning than the smell of banana bread coming from the kitchen. Yep, I'm still eating strong, at least a bit more in quantity than just a week ago. The appetite in general has been very healthy.

And it seems Pennsylvania's in for some February warming with temps in the low 50s, and plenty of sunshine. This was the first year in 75-years that it did not snow in New York City in January.

Part of me thinks, "We're going to make it. We're going to make it. All the way through Winter with barely any snow!"

And then part of me thinks, "It's just saving up for one huge gigantic dumping of snow. Just wait. It's coming."

The constant battle of the optimistic and cynical.

The former photo studio is coming together as our new office. Desks are in place. And it's a great excuse to clean out old drawers, and cabinets, and files. And sorting through old files brings out little treasures like a picture of Muk and Rhea on their wedding day, and a picture of Alyssa and Barb many years ago.

Most things make the trash though. Things I thought were important three-years ago - like privacy notices sent to me by companies, published intentionally in a tiny unreadable format.

"Ten more minutes," Barb says walking by.

That's ten more minutes until banana bread. Oooooo I can't take it. It smells really good.

"Well then it needs 20 minutes to cool," Barb adds.

Oh that's torture. I need chunk of cantalope to hold me over.

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