Saturday, February 2, 2008

It's Fat Albert

My appetite right now is really unbelievable. Ever since I started taking the female hormone Megistrol again my eating has been up, without any ill side-effects. Plus I think the female hormone is making more sensitive - well - ok, maybe not.

Barb made her infamous chicken pie last night, which is a pretty soft, safe dish for me. But I tore through a full plate and went back for seconds. Before the female hormone I'd gently pick through a smaller portion and be happy with the accomplishment. But now I am going for some weight.

The past couple of days I've caught myself during the day thinking about food, having little cravings (the old cheese steak from the Twin Kiss craving again).

Just once, just for one week, I want to see the weight go up instead of stay the same, or creep down. Then we'll go for the next week from there, and then the next.

Oops, gotta' run, I have a hot ham and cheese sandwich on a kaiser roll and a slice of cantalope with my name on it.

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