Monday, February 4, 2008

New Office, New Perspective

For the most part, well almost exclusively, I blog from the laptop computer from the comfort of my easy chair. But with the office renovation closing in on being finished I've decided to blog from the desktop this morning.

The desks are in place. The computers are hooked up, as well as the wireless network. And it's clean. It's uncluttered. It's bright, shiny like brand new.

The skylight was great for the photography studio. But it's pretty darn nice for an office too, always flooding in plenty of light, even on a morning when the sun is covered by clouds. I'll get a set of blinds for the skylight eventually for when the glare is too much to take.

Plus I have a nice view now out the back and across the backyard.

So far it's worked out very, very well. And it's forced us to clean-up and organize ourselves for 2008.

It's off to a dermatologist today to have my skin checked out, just normal stuff for a cancer patient on chemo. The doctor could only first fit me into his schedule in April. But after my doctor called and said, "cancer patient," the dermatologist called me back and said, "How about Monday?"

Sometimes cancer does open some doors, or at least alert a sense of urgency it seems.

Not much excitement, but that's a Monday for 'ya. And I'm sure everyone is hungover from the Super Bowl.

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