Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Barbie!

They don't call it Big Tuesday for nothing. It's a national holiday for us. Well, not national, more of a local holiday. Well, local as in just in this house.

It's Barb's birthday. She's 43, and acting all full-of-herself because she is the same age as me for a couple of months. lol

Happy Birthday Barb! I'd be lost without you, the sweetest, kindest, most loving and understanding person I've ever known.

Barb often jokes, "What would you do without me?"

"Lay in the gutter out front and cry," I answer.

Barb started the day with a call from Mom who sang "Happy Birthday to You."

I dropped Barb off with Alyssa this morning for some pampering at Alyssa's new business venture. Then they were hanging out together for a bit, possible shopping in the plans. I'll get her back later today and then I'm cooking her a birthday dinner tonight - filet with red wine pan sauce, twice-baked potatoes, and fresh brussel sprouts (her favorite). Right now my favorite restaurant is in our kitchen.

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