Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sighs of Relief

Well the Phillies wrapped it up last night and secured their third division title in a row. I swear these guys have to make it exciting though. I'm not sure how far they'll go this year. But at least I can breathe a sigh of relief...for now.

I followed up with the cancer center yesterday on all the issues we have going. I expect another contact today from radiation/oncology to confirm some details. But at least I can breathe a sigh of relief...for now.

Two-days this past week Barb's Dad showed up by surprise to work on the spouting and run off on one back corner of our house. These were nice surprises. I know he's very busy and I was trying to convince him not to worry about it. But there he was. He's an excellent problem solver. He did some incredible work as always. He's constantly in our debt. Thank you so much Bill. One other worry that I don't have to concern myself with now. At least I can breathe a sigh of relief about that.

Our disappearing neighbors who suddenly appeared and trimmed up all of our trees have again disappeared. But they did promise to return to trim a few more branches. I won't complain. When someone does something so charitable for me, without even being asked, who am I to argue? I was worried about how the trees would be pruned with me in my current state. Now I can breathe a sigh of relief about that too.

Someone I worked with over 20-years ago gave me a great lead to a literary agent near Philadelphia. Now I can concentrate on getting my book done feeling confident that I have at least one good source to with an inquiry. The odds that the first agent I contact will like my concept is slim. But it's a good start. At least I can breathe a sigh of relief about that for now too!

That leaves me without an overwhelming agenda today. Several tasks have now been "checked" as done in my Day-Timer appointment book.

I still have work to do. I'm just one of those people who is seldom bored.

I have to keep working on pulling together the book.

Also, I recently learned from the Pennsylvania Insurance Commission that if I would accept Medicare (because of my disability) I would have six-months to sign up for a Medi-Gap policy and not be denied because of a pre-existing condition. This is supposed to be a state law. But it's one that I have never heard mentioned before. I would have to move through all of this very carefully to ensure that I don't end up at a loss due to something in the small print.

Plus the furance has to be dusted off and I have to clean the filter to get ready for the winter season. It was in the 40s this morning. Brrrrr. I'm not ready for this.

There's always something to do here, never a dull moment. With the help of those around us it has been made easier. I can't thank everyone who has helped us enough. We appreciate your kindness greatly. There are super heros in this world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our pleasure - spending time with you both.

RL Mom