Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I Can See the Finish Line

Today is the last of 15-days of radiation to my cervical spine. Woo-freakin'-hoo!

Even when the treatments are over radiation does keep working for a couple more weeks. As I've said many times, radiation is a slow poisoning to the body. My body doesn't care for it at all.

But it's necessary. The cancer in my spine could not be allowed to continue even one day longer. It was threatening the stability of a vertabrae and if that was jeopardized I would have even bigger problems.

There's quite a difference between medical marketing and medical realities. I guess that's not much of a surprise since salesmanship runs the show these days. Radiation is often sold as this simple to use, precise, gas that can easily knock-out cancerous tumors without damage to neighboring body parts and minimal side-effects.


Just explain that to the huge sore lump on the inside of my throat that has me eating nothing but soft food.

Just explain that to my energy levels which the radiation has drained to new lows.

Just explain that to my belly who is in full revolt.

After today it can only get better. Then I'll have a clean perspective on what the Interferon injections are doing to the body. Never a dull moment around here!

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