Thursday, October 22, 2009

Where Would I Be?

I knew the past couple weeks would be tough on me. Everyday I would have to go to the health campus for radiation, for chemo injections, for bloodwork and tests. I would have to do this with great pain from the pinched nerves in my vertabrae and a very sour stomach from the injections.

But I hate to be a burden to anyone.

My attitude toward all of this was that I had a very steep hill to climb, with a very heavy load to carry. But I was going to suck it up and make that climb without asking for help.

I didn't want to negatively affect anyone else's life.

My thought was that if someone came along and asked if they could help carry my load I would happily, gracefully, thankfully, say "Yes."

God bless Barb's Mom for helping me carry this load. I'm getting closer and closer to the top of the hill.

Every day I think to myself, "I can do this. I can drive in today. I can handle it."

Every day on the way home I think to myself, "I'm so glad Barb's Mom is driving. I feel like a train wreck."

There are angels around us every where.


Anonymous said...

It is my pleasure.

RL Mom

Anonymous said...

I'm in awe of your faith and determination.