Sunday, April 19, 2009

Little Stiff and Sore

I woke up this morning and my thighs felt like they did at the end of a soccer match, thick and heavy and stiff.

It was a beautiful day yesterday and I spent the day in the yard, raking up leaves and debris, pulling up early weeds, brushing off the decks, and grooming the soil.

This morning I'm feeling the effects from all the physical activity. I try to exercise pretty regularly. But obviously I've got a litte way to go.

This kind of stiffness and soreness I'm used to though, and I consider it a good thing. It just tells me I'm being active and keeping muscles in condition. I'm sure as I get moving around today the muscles will loosen up.

I have started a second blog. The blog is mainly a place for me to post some of my favorite stories. I've always been a fan of good story-telling.

My blog will just contain my stories, maybe a little artwork now and then, and certainly the occasional photo. I'll pull some stories from this blog and add some more. I'm just getting started with it, so please bear with me.

The new blog can be found at Or you can click on the link in the left column of this page "American Made - A Collection of My Favorite Stories."

On this blog I intend to also try out the Google advertising program where I earn a little bit of money everytime someone clicks on an ad. The internet is certainly advancing at blistering speeds, and new things are developing constantly. Google's advertising program is pretty interesting. They "crawl" the content of your blog and match advertising up that is of similar subject matters. We'll see how that goes.

Imagine everyone having a Web site someday soon. I could have a link to a web cam on my site that would alert people to when I'm at my desk and available. Family members, friends, or clients could pull me up on their screen and we could video conference.

Whatever you can's coming.

I had a science fiction class in college and it amazes me how many things from all of those novels we studied have already come true.

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