Saturday, April 25, 2009


Today is going to be one of those days. There are only so many days a year that we get a day like this one. It's going to be beautiful outside.

I'm planning on getting out in it.

I may not have any great plans. I may not have any elaborate plans. But I'll be outside, feeling the warmth of the sun soak over me.

Back before cancer came to town it took little effort for me to work through the yard. Well I shouldn't say "little" effort. But I could rip through all the yardwork in a couple of hours. Now I'm more on a schedule of a couple of days.

We've been slowly working to get this old place back in shape, and that includes the yard. When we first moved into this place the backyard pretty much looked like a junkyard.

I think my Mom said something like, "Ugh, just bulldoze it all and start again."

There used to be a one-car garage back against the alley. But we were told that it wasn't kept in shape and condemned by the borough. It evidently was pulled down sloppily because that area when we first moved in was littered with nails and screws and metal chunks of this and that. A couple flat tires and a lot of hard work eventually led to a respectable parking spot.

The yard has come a long way too. But I know for Barb and I it's not quite there yet.

We're trying to learn to accept the fact that our yard is covered in shade. It limits the types of plants we can introduce back here. But we have to look at from the perspective that shade helps cool off our property. Too many people try to clear trees because they do keep upkeep, lots of upkeep. But for the squirrels, for the birds, for us, it's all worth it.

I got a good start on the yardwork last week and I hope I can pretty much finish up today. The birdfeeder is full. The hammock is out. Anytime I need a break I can just plop into the hammock and watch the crazy little birdies jostle for position on the feeder.

It's going to be a beautiful day.

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