Monday, April 13, 2009

He is Risen

We celebrated Easter here in Marietta yesterday surrounded by lots of family. Barb and I enjoyed it tremendously. We hope everyone else did as well.

We celebrate Easter in Marietta because we have the ham connection, incredible smokey goodness.

We also celebrated with the greatest gift of all, His only son and the promise of eternal life and forgiveness of our sins.

Our hearts and minds were with those who could not join us. I know that it did not seem right with my father not in attendance. He did celebrate Easter at Spang Crest in Lebanon where he is rehabilitating. I know we both thought of a couple grandmothers we're used to having with us as well.

One side-effect I enjoy, is the fact that hosting Easter forces us into a Spring cleaning. It's still an old, eccentric house. But the painting is done. The curtains are hung. The house is looking spiffy and clean.

Now I just have to get out in the yard.

I have such a "brown" thumb.

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